• Awaken Your Big Magic,exitrealty

    Awaken Your Big Magic

    I’ve long since held the belief that inside each and every one of us is a true creative. Most guffaw at this notion, but I’ve come to realize that’s because we have a preconceived idea of what constitutes an artist based on archetypes of old. Perhaps you’re mechanically inclined, drawn to organization and decor, or enjoy grooming nature into beautiful landscapes. There’s a reason why we use the expression, “the art of” in relation to so many abilities, and now is a good time to follow those creative vibes. This spark is what best-selling Author, Elizabeth Gilbert refers to as Big Magic in her aptly titled 2015 novel about creative living beyond fear. This intriguing read will make you realize that “to even call somebody ‘a creative person’ is almost laughably redundant.” She explains this spark as a hallmark of our species and debunks the elitist mentality associated with art, reminding us that we all evolved from wonderful creators who existed millennia ago; a time when creating was part of our survival and that we’ve forgotten these connections as we’ve grown into consumers. Gilbert challenges the perception of artists as those who’ve arrived in their creativity noting that would suggest creativity exists only to reach some goal or some end, when it’s really an ever-changing spark that drives us forward to try new things. She regales readers with some of the most extraordinary creative experiences and processes you may ever hear as she brilliantly explores “the idea” as an entity all of its own; a life force constantly seeking us out for realization through partnership, which we either opt out of or into as collaborators. In this inspiring book, you’re empowered to use your voice, to chase your visions, to believe in your creativity, to open your mind, and to truly live your creative truth because it’s not something one can hold back. She sheds much needed light on the darkest parts of creativity such as perfectionism, criticism, or the notion that one must suffer the process, or “starve” in order to be considered a respected artist. She even shares some of her most personal fears that she faces as she travels her own creative journey as an author. You will forever see the world in a creative new light after reading this book, and dare I say, you may even start to see beyond yourself and have the courage to collaborate on and make manifest the ideas you find along your way. By Melanie Robitaille, Staff Writer The post Awaken Your Big Magic appeared first on Focus on Good Health.

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  • EQ > IQ?,exitrealty

    EQ > IQ?

    Since the publishing of Daniel Goleman’s book, Working with Emotional Intelligence you’ve probably heard a thing or two about the subject. In his book he suggests that emotional intelligence comprises roughly 67% of the traits associated with being a successful leader and even went as far as to say that EQ is twice as important as IQ or a person’s Cognitive Intelligence, which is now being supported by a great deal of studies. So, what is emotional intelligence (EQ) exactly? It is the ability to manage and identify not only your own emotions, but also those of others. Someone with a high EQ can understand and manage their own emotions, perceive how those emotions can impact others, and can help others with regulating their emotions. These skills may come naturally for some but thankfully for others, they can also be learned over time. There are 5 specific components related to emotional intelligence: self-awareness, self-regulation, social skills, empathy, and motivation. Self-Awareness is knowing your strengths and weaknesses, reading your emotions and understanding how these things affect those around you. Benefits of being self-aware include knowing how best to delegate tasks based upon your knowledge of strengths and limitations, as well as being able to provide and handle constructive feedback. If this is not a quality you currently possess you can try to work on it by noting specific situations that have caused either yourself of others to react as well as what your thoughts were during those times. By doing this you should be able to identify triggers and work around them in the future. Self-Regulation is knowing how to manage your emotions based on a situation. For instance, if you were stressed due to not meeting a deadline it wouldn’t be beneficial to yell at your coworkers and then take the rest of the day off when you could take a few deep breaths and then create a list for exactly what tasks need to be done to meet the deadline and work on them step by step. When people aren’t self-regulated it can seem like they are unprofessional or have an explosive personality. Someone who can keep calm under pressure however will often be respected and looked upon as reliable. Some ways to improve self-regulation are to try calmly thinking about a situation before reacting to it as well as owning up to mistakes you might have made instead of placing blame where it doesn’t belong. Social Skills involve knowing how to manage relationships with everyone you meet. Someone with proficient social skills can interact with a group of people or an individual comfortably and tends to be very good at communication. When those around you feel at ease it is simpler for them to discuss issues and new proposals. Also, by regularly interacting with associates you can learn about their abilities to make sure they are engaged in the ways that work best for them. If you struggle socially you can try things like listening more than speaking to get a better understanding as well as trying some exercises on cooperation to boost moral and a sense of community within the workplace. Empathy is understanding how someone else is feeling. In psychology they can test someone’s empathy by showing images of a subject’s face and having the person guess what the subject is feeling. Empathy is important because it shows care and compassion. If you can genuinely respond to the issues of another with concern it makes that person feel valued. The best way to develop empathy is to put yourself in someone else’s shoes. If you imagine yourself in their position you can get a better understanding of how and why they may behave the way they do. Another tip is to try to reserve judgement and instead show understanding which allows you to often get more of a story than you would have initially. Motivation is the final factor and involves working towards goals that are not motivated by status or money. If you enjoy what you do it typically doesn’t feel like work at all, does it? By keeping motivated you tend to be more focused and less likely to procrastinate. Your motivation, especially if it’s positively reinforced, can also affect those around you. To help build motivation set realistic goals and celebrate them once achieved or return to why you started this job in the first place and go from there. What do you think, is emotional intelligence greater than or more important than cognitive intelligence? Do you struggle with any of these factors and do you think trying to improve upon them would be beneficial to you and your business? We’d love to hear your thoughts! Written by Maegan Carrasquillo, Staff Writer The post EQ > IQ? appeared first on Focus on Good Health.

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  • A Chance at Hope,exitrealty

    A Chance at Hope

    No matter where you are or what you are doing, it is safe to say there have been some very noticeable changes happening all around the world. You know the ones we are talking about; ones that will become a part of our day to day existence at this point, and the others that show people getting back to basics as well. Children are learning to play outside again. They are riding their bikes or writing grateful messages with sidewalk chalk on driveways and walkways. Adults are joining in too, heading outside to garden, or taking time to spend playing as a family. And have you seen the drawings or stuffed animals placed in windows, or painted rocks everywhere? Neighborhoods and towns have created fun games of I spy or scavenger hunts to encourage community when travelling around. Many establishments are grateful for business too, no matter how different it has been with recent adjustments. If you’ve ordered take out and picked it up curbside, chances are the staff has been extremely polite and happy to see you, some even giving coupons or cards with promotions for your next visit. It’s hard to believe that almost overnight students and teachers alike had to completely remodel the way they both learn and teach. Somehow though, it seems both have made the impossible possible. It’s certainly not the same experience anyone was used to, but imagine the sense of accomplishment and pride these kids will have  and their ability to face new challenges with grace later on in life because wow have they adapted to change! Many are working from home at this point. Those who are getting to save some money just heading into the kitchen for lunch and oftentimes even get to share more than one meal with the whole family. Like EXIT Realty, there are many companies out there allowing their employees to work remotely, follow a more flexible work schedule, and even make compromises that benefit both employee and company as one. For those who might be furloughed at this time, the world sees you too. The amount of posts going around regularly are nothing short of amazing. People are creating again with their free time or starting new ventures because the fear of failure has been removed. Some are starting to farm and bake their own bread, no longer wishing to be so dependent upon big box stores. Others are crafting new meals each night and sharing them with a recipe or a funny story of using everything they have on hand before venturing out. Still more are sharing too, whether it’s their musical gifts, storytelling, or accounting tips. Each one of you is an inspiration. Mere months ago, a great deal of the world was waking up to go to work, spending a large chunk of the day in the office or wherever work might be. Some would even work overtime regularly just to keep up with the bills. It has become obvious just how many of us have gotten wrapped up in making a living that we have forgotten to make a life. We are not quite in the clear just yet, but if you look closely, you will see the light all around you. By Maegan Carrasquillo, Staff Writer The post A Chance at Hope appeared first on Focus on Good Health.

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