• Emotional Wellness,exitrealty

    Emotional Wellness

    Do you ever feel overwhelmed? Perhaps it’s something big like a feeling of not accomplishing as much in life as you thought you would or something as small as stressing over a to-do list for the coming week. Do commonplace things get the best of you, or are you someone that can recognize the importance of each emotion while continuing to move forward? These questions and your reactions have to do with emotional wellness, and  your ability to experience emotions in real time while maintaining your day-to-day life. It deals with recognizing, learning from and accepting your feelings. It’s important because it can impact your overall well-being. While emotionally healthy, you’re better equipped to handle daily stressors such as work, relationships, and school. It also makes it easier to cope when the unexpected occurs. Having a handle on your emotional health doesn’t mean that you’re happy all the time, because that’s not realistic. It has more to do with taking the good with the bad. If this sounds like something you’d like to work on, here are a few tips from an emotional wellness toolkit to get you started. Brighten Your Outlook: Starting with a positive mindset makes it far easier to continue in that vein than having to overcome negativity at each step. Studies show that those with a more optimistic attitude tend to be more open to trying new things, while those on the pessimistic side can be left stuck on past ideas of failure or anxiety about the future. Give yourself credit where it’s due Surround yourself with healthy, positive people Explore your morals and what guides you in the choices you make Reduce Stress: At one point or another everyone will face stress in their life. It can pop up for any reason though the most common stressors are money, work related pressure and illness. Trying a few simple techniques to lessen the burden can help more than you know. Get enough sleep (only you know how much that is) Set priorities for tasks so you can tackle the most important first Seek support from family and friends or even a medical professional if need be Be Mindful: Truly experiencing life as it is has become far more difficult these days. We nod in agreement while scrolling through our social feeds not really grasping all that’s out there. Practicing mindfulness is so important as it can give you more enthusiasm for life and help you be a bit more present and aware of not only those around you but also your own mind and body. Deep breath in, deep breath out Notice your surroundings Enjoy the moments for all that they are Brian Tracy said, “You cannot control what happens to you, but you can control your attitude toward what happens to you, and in that, you will be mastering change rather than allowing it to master you.” We all go through a series of ups and downs on our journey through life. If we trust in the process, even when we might not feel like a complete success every day, we know there’s always a chance to try again tomorrow. By Maegan Carrasquillo, Staff Writer The post Emotional Wellness appeared first on Focus on Good Health.

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  • 6 Ways To Build Your Home Equity Faster,Rabecca Ranaldi

    6 Ways To Build Your Home Equity Faster

    Not every homeowner might realize it, but home equity might be their most valuable piece of possession. It is something you should consider before you decide to buy a new property. And with enough knowledge and careful planning, you can reap long-term benefits from your home equity. What is Home Equity? A home equity is a portion of your home value that you truly own and can grow over time. It is your home’s market value minus the amount that you owe on it. It is the homeowner’s interest in his/her home. For example, you purchased a property for $100,000, made a 20% down payment, and availed of a home loan to cover the $80,000 balance. Given this, your current home equity is 20% of the property’s value – which is $20,000. Although you are considered the property owner, you only officially “own” $20,000 of its value. How did home equity become your interest as a homeowner? A property’s market value increases over time, which means your home equity grows as the value of your property grows. Consider building your home equity as an investment. When you build your home equity faster, you will incur lower interests and have more opportunities to earn. As a homeowner, there are various ways towards building up your home equity faster. We’ve listed the six best ways that you can do this. 1. Choose the Perfect Home Loan for You There are different types of mortgage loans that homebuyers can choose from. The loan you get should depend on your income, the amount of downpayment you will be able to pay, and the price of the house you intend to buy. For example, first-time homebuyers might want to consider government-issued mortgages since they might have low cash savings and want more relaxed credit requirements. Different types of mortgages have their pros and cons. Each lender has their own interest rates, terms and conditions, and requirements that might affect how fast you can build your home equity. Before deciding on a home loan, compare each mortgage plan first to find out which best suits your status and needs. 2. Make a big down payment. When buying a property, consider paying a big chunk for the down payment. Since your down payment will determine your initial home equity, a bigger payment means higher equity. It will also help your home equity grow faster. For example, when the market value of your property doubles, you get a bigger share immediately vs. if you started with a lower down payment. Making a big down payment will also lower the total amount that you owe to your lender; hence, making it easier to pay for your monthly fees. 3. Make Home Improvements. Some might not think home improvements and renovations are important, but it’s actually a great way to boost the value of your property. When you do remodeling and improvement projects, the value of your home appreciates and so does your home equity. However, you should also be also mindful of the amount you spend on remodeling. You might end up spending more rather than increasing your home equity. Not all improvements need to be big. It can be as simple as adding attic insulation or replacing your garage door. Before proceeding with a renovation, it would be best to seek advice from a real estate agent to know how to get the most returns on your improvement projects. 4. Accelerate your monthly amortization Payment options depend on the country you live in. There are countries that offer monthly, bi-weekly, weekly, and even accelerated weekly and bi-weekly payments. Choosing the right payment method depends on your income and how much of it you are willing to dedicate to your monthly amortization. Choosing a bi-weekly or weekly option means that you’ll be paying 13 months a year instead of just 12 months (do the math). Meanwhile, an accelerated option means that you’ll be paying an extra amount with each payment. It might seem heavy for your pocket, but trust me, it will benefit you more long-term. These options will help you save on a huge amount of interest and help you build your home equity in a shorter time period. 5. Opt for a Shorter Loan Term Choosing a shorter term for your mortgage means that you will have a lower interest. This is great because it means that most of your monthly payments will go to your principal instead. It will also help you save time in building your home equity. The faster you pay your loan, the sooner you get full equity and reap the benefits that come with it. However, this also means that you need to pay a higher amount each month. So you should still carefully consider your budget before deciding on getting a shorter loan term. If you already have a loan or if you can’t opt for a shorter-term right now, you can also refinance into a shorter loan term in the future. 6. Hold on to your property and wait for your home value to rise Most people choose to invest in real estate since the value increases over time. The longer you hold onto your property, the higher home equity you can get. However, this doesn’t always mean that your home value will consistently increase over time. Since local housing markets change, your home value may also fluctuate. So to get a higher return, wait until your home value increases before you sell your property. Consult with a professional to check your current home value and to know when the best time to let go of it is. It might seem overwhelming but it is totally worth it. Building your home equity might seem overwhelming at first, but it can be a breeze with proper planning and dedication. If you follow these six steps, you’ll be able to maximize the long-term benefits of your home equity. It’s also important to recognize how important home equity is. Consider it as an investment or a forced savings account. You can use it to fund your retirement, rent or sell your home, and fund emergency expenses. You can even pass it down to your kids. You can get the most out of what you are paying for when you build your home equity faster. It’s actually a win-win situation – you get to have a comfortable home while growing the value of your property. Now all you have to do is plan, commit, and take care of your home.

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  • Social Wellness,exitrealty

    Social Wellness

    Leading a well-intentioned life can feel like balancing on a tight rope at times. You may work diligently, eat right, and exercise, but still feel like you’re missing a certain something. It could stem from a lack of true connection. Social wellness deals with your ability to make and maintain connections with those around you. It’s an extremely important part of feeling well because humans are social creatures that benefit greatly from positive interaction with others. Social wellness can support you in times of need and truly enhance your quality of life. Have you ever felt the impact a simple hug or phone call from someone you haven’t spoken to in ages can have? Or, to look at it from a different perspective, have you ever felt overwhelmed and physically unwell due to a lack of connection? There are many risks associated with being alone or isolated that have been compared to those of obesity, smoking, and high blood pressure. We’ve borrowed some ideas from a social wellness checklist to give you some insight into ways you can improve your relationships and really bolster your social aptitude. By simply building a few positive social habits you will be working toward a whole, better you! Build Healthy Relationships: Whether your relationships are platonic or otherwise, there are things you can do to be sure your relationships are at their best. Throughout life you will experience a multitude of relationships that will help you learn to navigate between not only what you like and dislike but also what you might consider to be right and wrong. Learn to share your feelings and expectations openly and honestly. Focus on active listening and work on compromise while expecting the same in return. Get Active Together: You can work on being more active at home and within your community to inspire social change and be a positive influence for family and friends alike. This opens up your sphere, allowing you to make connections with more like-minded individuals and can even instill accountability making you more likely to accomplish set goals. Participate in local team sports or community events, and if there aren’t any, start one! Try new activities to see what interests you and those around you. Make Connections: Studies are finding that social connections can be just as important to your health as being physically fit. Look for ways to get involved in things that interest you and chances are you will meet your tribe. Take a class, take part in a fundraiser or volunteer at a school or hospital. Join an online group and stay connected! By Maegan Carrasquillo, Staff Writer The post Social Wellness appeared first on Focus on Good Health.

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